Here's a picture of the Memphis Kendo after last night's practice (minus a few absentees!). Thanks to Emi Tanaka-san for taking this picture! (Click on the picture to enlarge it)
First row, L to R: Kento Takahashi, Seth Patterson, Rowan Troyer, Garrett Patterson, Shinnosuke Taniguchi
Second row, L to R: Kazuto Yasuda, Kentaro Tanaka, Masami Kamimura, Yuka Kamimura, Conrad Delancey, ____(?)______
Third row, L to R: Kenji Takahashi, Wayne Edge, Bill Delancey, Jeremiah Mazurek, Chris Cole, ____(?)_____, Salman Ali Abidi, Yushi Matsuura
Fourth row, L to R: _________, Don Crittendon, Rogers Gossett
(Apologies to folks whose names I can't remember!)