December 24, 2007

Memphis Kendo Members make SEUSKF Team for AUSKF Nationals

Congratulations to Jeremiah Mazurek, William Thornton-Leonard, Yuka Kamimura, and Masumi Kamimura who were all selected as members of the All-Southeast U.S. Kendo Federation Team. They will compete on the weekend of July 4th, 2008 at the All-U.S. Kendo Federation National Tournament in Las Vegas. The Southeast U.S. Kendo Federation (SEUSKF) covers 7 states and includes more than 20 dojos and programs. Of the more than 350 kenshi belonging to the SEUSKF, only 32 were selected for the team. Again, congrats!

1 comment:

Diane said...

"Omedetou gozaimasu" The memphis dojo comprises 1/8th of the regional team! Congratulations to Dach-sensei on an outstanding representation and best wishes to each Kenshi at the tournament.

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